I have spent a lot of time and energy last week trying to generate work. This is an aspect of freelancing that often goes unnoticed. I have realised that my micro business doesn't bring in a huge income and if I am to earn a living, I need to do a lot of work away from the harp. As a self confessed technophobe in this day and age, this brings quite a few challenges. Last week I tried to sign up with an agency online. I managed to upload my photos but couldn't for the life of me upload my sound clips. After half an hour and multiple attempts (and a lot of frustration...) I sent the agency a message explaining my predicament. I got an automated message saying they will get back to me within 2 weeks. Everything just takes so much time!
I have invested in all sorts of ways to generate work since June 2017. I have this new website and publicity photos which I really love, as well as new sound clips - these were great fun to do and I am proud of them! I have been to early morning business networking meetings, wedding networking meetings, a business conference, I have had social media training, I've attended workshops, met lots of interesting people, played for wedding fayres and wedding events, and I have just started experimenting with video - the list goes on. There have been good times and times where I just want to shut myself away from the world as creating and maintaining a steady flow of work is so draining and challenging. The biggest impact has been on my practice. With all the distractions of these events and social media, my practice time has been reduced dramatically. This might be something I need to learn but what I have realised is how much I LOVE playing the harp! It's like an anaesthetic, it's my therapy. The other thing that has come up a lot is guilt! Guilt that I'm not out there physically working, guilt that I'm spending too much time doing other things that contribute to the health of my business, like Pilates and aquafit, and guilt that there must be something wrong with me or my playing.
Now please excuse me, I'm starting to feel guilty - it's practice time!
Playing the harp can be very emotional...