Family first
With my gorgeous eldest nephew
I barely turned my laptop on during the last days of August and I must admit, it was very liberating. Do you remember a time before mobile phones and social media? I do and, call me old fashioned, but part of me longs for the good old days of stamps, envelopes and telephone calls. While I marvel at the magic of modern technology, for a creative technophobe like me it can mean hours spent often infuriatingly chasing my tail and tumbling down online rabbit holes like a modern day Alice.
It’s been a super Summer despite mild disappointment that the tropical temperatures we had last year failed to reach the dizzy heights I so keenly anticipated. August has been both busy and relaxing and I feel ready to take on the new season.
Taken during a whistle stop August visit to the East Coast
September‘s packed with wedding fayres and promotional events. Next up is a spotlight performance at the North of England Wedding Awards organised by lovely Liz Clark of The Wedding Guide. There’ll be loads of interesting people from the wedding industry at this spectacular event which takes place at York Racecourse next Monday. I’ve finalised my programme and I can’t wait to share some of the latest music I’ve been working on.
I love the cosiness of Autumn and there’s a feeling of a fresh start and new opportunities. My wedding brochure is getting there slowly but surely and I’m planning material for more regular audio recording. There might even be another video session in the pipeline. Watch this space and keep an eye on my social media. And of course, let me know what you’d like more, and maybe less, of!
While I do miss regular orchestral playing, I certainly don’t miss the long car journeys and the driving hazards. Last August was the turning point - I decided life was too short to be stopping every hour for a snooze after a gig because I was nodding off. Thanks to my part time shop job, I now have a sense of security and my time spent sat at the wheel has probably been quartered. I’m quite proud of my reduced carbon footprint and I’m starting to reap the benefits of spending less on fuel and car maintenance. I’ve taken to walking and running and it’s almost as though I’ve been on holiday by exploring what I have on my doorstep. Just don’t mention peaty bogs on hot August mornings!
Drying off
After an encounter with a peaty bog
I’ve met a lot of colourful locals and I get a warm feeling walking through Holmfirth and greeting locals I’ve got to know at the shop.
There’s always plenty of work to be done but I feel I’m in a far better position now to take my life in whichever direction I choose. I’m optimistic it will revolve around my first love and passion - music - but it can be such a challenge finding work and I have other career pathways to explore alongside pursuing my preferred form of creativity.
Time for some more creativity. Here’s a date for your diary which I’m already quite excited about:
I met Robert at the shop and he’s invited me to open this performance at the beautiful little church in Netherthong, a mere 3 miles away! He’s given me free rein in my choice of repertoire. I feel like a child in a sweet shop all over again.
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside
Whitby Abbey in the distance
Here are a few more Summer highlights
Whitby by day
These colourful gents from Newcastle were on a night out
Whitby by night
199 steps down meant another 199 steps up