Moaning Minnie
Modelling one of her scorching hot herringbone tweed neckscarves
There are times when I really want to shout about people I meet. Moaning Minnie, AKA Julie Taylor, is one of these people. I met her when I was working on the tills at Sainsbury’s one evening and we got talking about weddings. Her pink Docs and funky individual dress sense meant she stood out immediately. I love pink. Then there’s her warm sparkling smile and her contagious laughter. She really is a ray of sunshine. We started chatting a bit more over the weeks since I started working at Sainsbury’s Local in Holmfirth, and she totally brightens my day whenever she pops in for supplies. She’s got a wry dry sense of humour. Julie rocks.
When she told me her company name, I checked her out on social media and caught a glimpse of her working world. It was like discovering a textile wonderland. Her intricate creations stand out and really took me by surprise. I’ve never seen anything like them and I play at quite a few wedding fayres. Her work is a flat-capped nod to her local roots. She crafts her goods from the finest Yorkshire tweed that’s super soft to the touch (I know, I’ve felt her coat!) in stunning unexpected colours. Not only does she bring beautiful designs to life for weddings. I’ve just seen she does bow ties for dogs! Any pussy bows in the pipeline Julie?
Another thing that makes Julie memorable is her company name. She doesn’t moan though - she does great banter with a playful twinkle in her eye.
I love supporting local smaller businesses and I shop locally as much as I can. There are some amazing inspiring creative people out there working from cosy workshops and offices in their own homes.
If you want to know more about Moaning Minnie Designs, click the buttons below: